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whiskeyinthewatercooler's podcast

Aug 31, 2019

Our buddy, Nate, joins us after returning from his 'vacay' in the land of rocks and weighs in on an incident in the UK mass transit tunnel, segueing to similar incidents that are becoming common on the left coast and spreading, a face-recognition app that selects attributes favorable in selecting a corruptable Congressional member to bribe, Je Suis Nipple, ''Nipples for me, not for thee', controversies leading up to the presidential primaries, AOC's weekly activity report & future plans, Antifa's 'bad experiences on the road' tour, Crowder's road trips, Dave Chappelle's Netflix special 'Sticks & Stones' and past comedians material

#guest #jesuisnipple #culture #clash #leftcoast #facerecognition #apps #applications #congress #forsale #nipples #france #AOC #antifa #stevencrowder #davechapelle #netflix #comedians #richardpryor #genetracy #rodneydangerfield